A white gentleman documented his experience after attending a Nigerian church recently and his video has since gone viral over how interesting his content is.
The gentleman who is a travel vlogger and has been experiencing pieces of Nigeria since his arrival, decided to worship in a church recently.
He made sure to document the unusual experience for him, although it was fun. In his video, he describes worshipping in Nigerian churches as a massive dance party where most agendas of a service always has dancing incorporated in it.
The day he went to worship was a Thanksgiving service day and so there was a lot of dancing and praise during the service which was quite fun for him.
He also shared how he was served Jollof rice after the worship service which was something he was grateful for.
His video has since gone viral on Nigerian social media with a lot of netizens glad that he had a swell time worshipping the way most Nigerians worship in their churches.
Watch his video as you scroll,.