Author: town gist

While searching for food, a black homeless man finds a diamond ring in the trash. Despite his need for money, he decides to do the right thing and return it to its rightful owner. The way they repay him for his honesty is unbelievable. The city park bustled with activity as a black homeless man rummaged through a trash can, searching for food. As Joe sifted through the discarded wrappers and empty bottles, something shiny caught his eye. He reached in and pulled out a diamond ring. Joe’s heart raced as he held the ring up to the light. For…

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When I asked about his job two years ago, he told me he was an investor. I took it literally until I asked him days later what he invested in. He laughed. “You won’t understand. Maybe later,” he said. My curiosity was piqued so for days, I pressed him to tell me what he was into. He told me he was a blogger. I asked for his blog and he later changed what he said. I’m into bitcoin. It’s a lot complicated but it’s not a permanent job. I’m working on starting something on my own with the money I…

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Lady calls cops on a Black dad with a white kid. She instantly regrets it. The story unfolds in Greenwood Park, a lively hub of community activity. Every weekend, families gather here. Children’s laughter blends with the cheerful barks of dogs, and the aroma of food from nearby vendors fills the air. It’s a place where city life pauses briefly to savor moments of leisure and connection. Mark, a Black dad in his late 30s with a kind demeanor and an easy smile, is at the center of this idyllic scene today. He spends his afternoon with Lily, his adopted…

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When John saw a nun standing by herself on a dark, lonely road, he was skeptical about giving her a ride because the road was infamous. But Jon gave in to his kind nature. When the ride was over, the nun expressed her gratitude in a way that Jon did not expect. You won’t believe how she thanked him. Jon became a truck driver out of necessity. He had grown up in a home where he lacked parental love, care, and guidance. His father would constantly hit him, and his mom never found the courage to stand up for him.…

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When Alex was only a little boy, his parents abandoned him because of his disability. However, he got adopted by a caring doctor. What he did next to repay her is unbelievable. It was 1 AM when Alex’s parents carefully snuck out of the house, looking behind them several times to be sure they weren’t being watched. They placed the baby in the back seat of their clunky car and sped off. About 30 minutes later, they got to the doorpost of the hospital where Alex had been born. Luckily for them, the security guard was nowhere to be seen.…

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I had a call from Steve. Steve had been pursuing me for months but I was not paying him any attention. I’d gone out with him on different occasions. It was one of those moments he proposed to me. I said, “No, I can’t date you.” He answered, “I will understand if you tell me you don’t know me that much so you’ll need some time to study me.That’s fine but saying you can’t date me means you’ve thrown out all the possibilities of falling in love with me and that hurts.” I apologized. I said, “I can ask for…

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They were three guys when I met them. Martin, Joe and Laka. It was Martin who called and talked to me. They were new in town and were looking for friends. I agreed to be friends with them. All of them became my friends and since they were living in the same house, I went there on weekends to help them. They were kind to me. They bought gifts for me when they returned from their travels. They gave me money when I needed it and even extended that help to my parents.Martin was the one who called me so…

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I was a little girl, ten or eleven when my mother took me to her hometown. It’s a little village somewhere in the central region. When we were in a car going, she talked about how wonderful the village was and how she wished I would grow in the village instead of the city. And how she wished I would grow around the people who truly loved me. I was a girl. I didn’t know so much of what goes on in the world so I didn’t understand a lot of things that she was saying. We got to the…

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Nancy, a bus driver aged 35, was nearing the end of her final shift. With her gloved hands tightly gripping the steering wheel, she skillfully maneuvered the bus through the snowy streets, picking up and dropping off passengers across the city. As Nancy glanced at the rearview mirror to assess the remaining passengers, she noticed only a few individuals left, including a young boy who appeared to be around eight years old. Curiously, he occupied the same seat he had chosen almost three hours earlier when Nancy embarked on her journey. What perplexed Nancy was the boy’s prolonged presence on…

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A husband abandoned his wife and kids shortly after an accident, but a few years later, he ran into her in a park. The former couple now had new lives, and the husband felt bad seeing his ex-wife with another man. Amelia Raymonds was a very pretty girl who had it great from her childhood. She was from a middle-class family, and they cherished formal education. While growing up, she excelled in class, which made her family proud. Things were not bad for the straight A-student as a senior high school student or college student. She had a charming personality…

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