Responding to an anonymous tip-off, a police officer kicks in the door of an old abandoned house. Inside, they find a little girl. When they start speaking with her, they’re shocked by what she says.

Officer Dwight’s boot shattered the splintered door. The stench of old food and worse hit him like a brick wall. Dust danced in the flashlight beam, then it caught on something small, a flash of bright color in the sea of grime. It was a girl, no more than 10 or 11.
She stared back at him, her eyes wide but chillingly still. Dwight’s partner, Torres, swore. They’d been expecting a scared child, not this cold-eyed waif in the filthy house. Her presence here didn’t add up. The anonymous call had hinted at neglect, but this felt like something far worse. An hour later, they were at the station with the girl. Her name, they found out, was Alice. She sat rigid, her small hands clenched in the stained fold of her dress. Her thin arms and hollow cheeks screamed victim. Dwight nudged Torres. Something was…..Read Full Story Here…………………..