It was a bright and sunny day, perfect for a wedding ceremony. Everyone was in high spirits and prepared to have a beautiful day. But the event took a drastic turn when the priest took a sharp look at the bride and stopped everything. The reason is shocking.

Friends and family gathered to witness the union of Donald and Media. As the organist played the Wedding March, Donald strolled confidently to the front pew, his eyes fixated on the crucifix adorning the altar.
Anxious but hopeful, he adjusted his brown tuxedo suit, silently praying for everything to proceed smoothly. While he wasn’t anticipating any mishaps, he couldn’t shake off his nerves. Marrying Media had always been his dream, and he couldn’t bear the thought of losing her to another man.
With her stunning beauty and charm, Donald considered himself incredibly fortunate to have her by his side. The priest, Francis, stepped out of the vestry clad in ceremonial robes. He was a well-reserved priest and spiritualist. He held a holy sacrament and stepped down the altar, his glasses resting on the tip of his nose as he stared at everyone. He placed the….Read Full Story Here………………