The protagonist of our story is Anna Miller, a 35-year-old single mother and dedicated nurse whose life revolved around her only 8-year-old daughter, little Violet. Life for this lonely mother from New Orleans had never been easy since she discovered she was pregnant while in her second year of medical school.
All her plans for the future disappeared, forcing her to give up everything to become a mother and give her baby a good life.
But as if having to give up her career was not enough, Anna experienced tragedy again when her marriage ended suddenly. Little Violet was only a year old when her husband Brian, whom she had been dating since high school, decided to leave them both without explanation and refused to take any responsibility for her and their daughter.
She was left all alone with a child to care for and a myriad of responsibilities and mounting bills. Other mothers would have been devastated and would have been forced to ask for help from social and Family Services to get by, but Anna Miller was not like other mothers. So when Violet turned two and started to become more independent, Anna decided to go back to school so she could get a better paying job and do something she really enjoyed. However, instead of….Read Full Story Here………………….