A heartbroken young lady, Qwinberry, and her mother recently burst into tears over the demise of their father and husband
The young lady was making a video.
speaking to her late father not knowing that her mother was standing at the door
After hearing her daughter’s sad speech, the poor widow entered the room and they both burst into tears.
An emotional video spotted on TikTok has captured the sad moment a mother and her daughter hugged each other and cried bitterly.
The daughter was making a video where she talked to her late father and asked him why he had to leave.
As though he was present with her, the lady asked him whom he left her younger siblings for and what she’s going to do when others start talking about their dads.
Heartbroken mother and daughter break down in tears Photo Credit: @Qwinberry Source: UGC
Mother and daughter break down in tears
While making the video, her mother stood at the door watching her and also tearing up.
After a while, she entered the room and hugged her daughter. They both wept uncontrollably while trying to console each other.
Sharing the video on TikTok, the sad daughter, Qwinberry, said:
“I was making this video not knowing my mom was listening from my door and she was crying. Then she entered and we burst into tears