Author: town gist

Mua was 25 years old when he married the love of his life, Teresa, an 85-year-old woman. People laughed at him and mocked them, but in time, they showed sincere regret. The morning of Mua and Teresa’s wedding dawned with cheerfulness. The couple eagerly dressed up and hurried to the church, looking forward to seeing each other. For two agonizing days, they had been apart due to the wedding preparations and for custom’s sake, but all of that would soon be in the past. When Teresa arrived at the church, she looked towards the altar where her groom, Mua, stood…

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After trying to soothe her baby, who had been crying non-stop for days, this desperate mother decided to check her diaper. She expected a routine change, only to receive the shock of her life by what she saw. As Michelle Yates was about to start the laundry, a piercing cry stopped her in her tracks. The wailing sound, heavy with a desperate call for attention, echoed through their Liverpool home. It was her 5-month-old daughter, Gabriella, who had just been put to sleep some minutes ago. Michelle sighed in exhaustion; her little girl had been crying incessantly for a while…

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A family decides to celebrate one of their children’s birthdays at one of the city’s best restaurants, but what a table of customers does to them is unprecedentedly cowardly. Upon arriving at the restaurant, mother Sophia smiles at everyone, barely able to contain her happiness as she had been saving money for that day. Sophia worked at a diner as a waitress, and her husband Samuel at an appliance store, where he was a manager. Samuel was very proud to be able to bring home good money on clearance days, and that’s what happened that day. Samuel got up as…

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Marcos wasn’t always homeless, but he had been living on the streets for a long time, begging for alms, cold and hungry. One day, he decided to enter a church and found himself in a situation he never imagined. Marcos wasn’t from that city. He came from far away and hadn’t seen his family in over 10 years. As a young man, he left his home with his four young children who lived with their mother and grandmother in a very poor community in another country. There, they suffered from hunger, lacked running water, sewage, or even electricity. One day,…

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Jon dragged his tired feet along the road home after another exhausting day at the construction site. The sun had already set, but the heat still emanated from the asphalt, reminding him of the many hours he had worked under the merciless sun. His body was covered in sweat and cement dust, and every one of his muscles was crying out for rest. When he got home, he let out a sigh of relief. “Thank God,” Jon took off his heavy, concrete-stained shoes at the entrance, feeling the coolness of the floor of his modest home under his aching feet.…

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When a wolf forms a strong bond with a woman, the two become inseparable. But when the woman dies in a tragic accident, the wolf refuses to leave her coffin. Her friends become worried and ask the doctor to check out the body. When he looks closely, he quickly calls the cops. It didn’t seem to matter how much fuss everyone made; the wolf just wouldn’t move. It had first appeared at the woman’s funeral when all the mourners started to arrive. Everyone was aware of the wolf’s connection to the deceased woman, Maggie, so it didn’t seem overly strange…

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During a public event, Pope Francis stopped to kiss a little girl’s forehead. She suffered from a debilitating brain tumor that threatened every day to end her young life. But then, over a period of two months, something truly miraculous happened that left her parents in shock. The bustling crowd on Market Street hushed as Pope Francis approached. His serene presence captivated everyone. Among the throng, Joey and Kristen Mashantonio clutched their one-year-old daughter, Giana. Her fragile body was weakened by a brain tumor. As the Pope neared, he paused and looked at Giana with a gentle smile. He leaned…

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Kevin was standing up on shaking legs when he quickly looked out his window. What was on his front lawn looked like it belonged in a science fiction movie, not a small town. Kevin’s eyes widened in fear as he realized this could only mean one thing. He knew every single person and enjoyed the quiet lifestyle. All it took was one mysterious evening to turn his world upside down. Kevin knew the noise he heard was unlike anything else, and he was sure it had come from the dense forest behind his house. He took a deep breath and…

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He followed the strange hissing noise around his house. He had never heard anything like it before. It led him to his backyard. James froze. He ran to the shed and grabbed a garden tool with a long, sharp edge. He poked the mysterious patch of grass and watched in terror as it moved. When he discovered what was hiding inside, he stood in shock. But before we start, smash the like button and make sure to subscribe if you haven’t, and hit that notification bell so that you won’t miss any new stories. James Carlington and his wife Sarah…

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When an aspiring actor announces he’s marrying a Black girl, everyone laughs, thinking he’s making a huge mistake that will ruin his career. But years later, they deeply regret it when she becomes a household name. Ratina nervously entered the room. She was one of the last to arrive, and everyone turned to look at her as she joined the small group that had been waiting for her. She’d been confident she’d made the right choice, but now, looking around at her classmates, she wasn’t so sure anymore. No one smiled or greeted her, apart from one shy-looking guy who…

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