Author: town gist

A woman hears a boy’s voice in her backyard days after her son’s death and is startled to see a small boy dressed in rags standing there.”Hello? Am I talking to Mrs. Caroline Smith?” “Yes. How may I help?””We regret to inform you, ma’am, that your son was killed in a car accident this afternoon. He was crossing the street and was unaware of a car approaching from the opposite direction. We went through his belongings and found his school ID as well as your phone number. However, we would like you to identify the body to be certain.” Caroline’s…

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A homeless girl is stunned when a handsome man gives her flowers and a diamond ring and transforms her life.Haven’t we all heard the story of Cinderella raised up from misery by the hand of a handsome prince? And of course, we know that it’s all a fantasy. The bitter bread of poverty is not so easily spat out so we can take a bite of caviar and blinis, is it?We devour those meager crumbs and thank God for them, and when someone waves the cornucopia of plenty at us, we know it’s a trap or a mad dream. Amber…

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“Please take care of my daughter. It’s a request,” a poor woman begs a mother of twins one night. The following morning, she’s declared dead by the hospital authorities.When Madyson Kemp was admitted to Atlanta Memorial Hospital two weeks before her due date, she expected her stay there to be lonely, with her only companions being the obnoxious odor of medicines and unwanted syringes that her doctor had prescribed for her pregnancy complications.But to her relief, due to a shortage of single wards at the hospital, she’d been assigned to one with multiple occupancies, where she could at least get…

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A teenage boy discovers that his mother makes late-night trips after he sleeps off at night, then he finds out whom she often met. Kai awoke with a start.The 16-year-old boy had fallen asleep while playing Red Dead Redemption, a game about cowboy despots and outlaws trying to survive. A quick glance at the wall clock showed it was almost 12 a.m, and he sighed. He had fallen asleep behind a screen again — something his mother hated but rarely caught him doing. In fact, it had only happened twice, but the experience was not pleasant, and he did not…

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A guy was about to propose to his girlfriend when he felt something get slipped into his pocket — it was a note from the waiter, but what did it say and why the subterfuge?Roy was at his peak. The 24-year-old man, who had a lot of love for computers and digital tech, was a software developer who earned a lot of money for his products. He was a pro at what he did, and his job gave him autonomy over how he spent his time. As a result, he was genuinely contented with his lot in life. He had…

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An arrogant rich man receives the shock of his life when a homeless woman he turned away the previous day shows up in his office. “Get out of here you filthy peasant!” Will Morgan shouted harshly. The 50-year-old was talking to the servant dishing his lunch. The man had mistakenly spilled the expensive wine he was pouring, and it had triggered Will’s volatile temperament. “I’m very sorry sir,” the servant mumbled as he beat a hasty retreat. Everyone knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of his wrath, and why not? Will was a rich businessman…

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After selling her own house, Emma moved into her daughter’s home to help her children develop their businesses. However, upon hearing a horrible conversation between them, she left and started living with her neighbor, Nora. Then she changed her will, hoping to shock her kids.“Edward, it’s your turn. This is not fair! My marriage is suffering!” Sarah whispered-yelled to her brother on the phone. What she didn’t know was that her mother, Emma Persky, was eavesdropping not too far away. Unfortunately, Emma couldn’t hear her son’s reply, although it was clear that he wasn’t pleased with the conversation.“Please, Edward! You…

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Christina was sitting at a bus stop after getting kicked out of her boyfriend’s house. Suddenly, a car stopped, and a woman offered her help. With no other choices, Christina accepted and got in the vehicle. But she never imagined what happened when they reached the woman’s house.It was a cold night in Toledo, Ohio, and Christina was crying silently at a bus stop. She had only one bag and a couple of hundred dollar bills to her name. Her boyfriend, Richard, had just kicked her out of the house after returning from the hospital.They had been dating for a…

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A search for a missing girl leads her parents to an abandoned building near a graveyard. She was seen being carried away by a man, but to what end?The Princetons were the perfect family, at least, that’s what people thought about them. It’s what they showed the world — Ella, the loving wife, Steve, the proud husband, and Sarah, their cute daughter — a family united in everything. Within closed doors, though, the Princetons were not so united. Their daughter Sarah was 14 years old, and she had a lot of ideas on how she needed to live her life.…

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After a boy called him “daddy” at the orphanage, Lewis decided to ask around. The director of the orphanage explained that the kid’s late mother had seen his ads and told him he was his father. Lewis’ mouth dropped open in shock when he learned the boy’s mother’s name.“Mr. Walsh, I hope little Liam didn’t make you uncomfortable yesterday with his questions,” the director of the orphanage told him with a kind smile. Lewis Walsh was sitting in her office, asking about the boy and why he was sure Lewis was his father.“‘Uncomfortable’ is not the word I would use,…

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