For Scott, a black garbage man, it was business as usual as he went about his job picking garbage off the streets. However, things changed when he helped an old woman without knowing who she was. What happened next is shocking.

It was a cold evening as Scott made his way through the busy streets. He had a big bag in his hand and a long stick that he used to pick the garbage off the floor. He wore a thick leather jacket, heavy gloves, and safety boots to protect himself against the harsh weather. He drove from street to street, humming under his breath as a song played in his head. He wielded his stick in tune to it, moving to a beat only he could hear.
However, despite his outward cheer, there was a less pleasant thought buried at the back of his mind. Deep down, all Scott could think about was how exhausted he was. Scott couldn’t wait for the close of business that day.
His body ached all over, and he was looking forward to the immense relief a good massage would give him. Walking for long hours every day and bending multiple times always left him with a sore back and legs. Now, it was the only major thing on his mind. Humming a song was the only way he could distract himself from just how tired and sore he was. As he continued driving down the streets and picking up garbage bags, he went towards the……Read Full Story Here…………..