Cop pulls over black man. When he rolls down his window, his life changes forever.
In the small town of Riverton, Officer Jack Thompson was on his usual patrol. It was a quiet evening, the kind where the only excitement was the occasional speeder or someone running a stop sign. Jack, a veteran cop with over 20 years on the force, had seen it all.

He prided himself on his instincts, his ability to read people and situations. But tonight, those instincts would lead him to a life-changing encounter.
Jack had a history of complaints against him for racial harassment, especially towards black residents. His reputation for profiling had earned him numerous warnings, but he always managed to skirt serious consequences. Tonight, however, his unchecked biases would come back to haunt him. As Jack cruised down Main Street, he noticed an older model BMW driving slightly above the speed limit. The driver, a black man, seemed to be in a……Read Full Story Here………………………