Joseph Baker had been in line for over 45 minutes at the local diner when a very mannerless counter staff told him she couldn’t serve him. No matter how many times he asked, she wouldn’t explain why. This was all very new to Baker. People rarely disobeyed him, and he was always in charge wherever he went. But today was different.

Baker realized that his authority held no weight here. The counter girl was arrogant, but she was making a huge mistake because she didn’t know who Baker was. He couldn’t fault her for that since he wasn’t wearing his police uniform that day. He was secretly excited at the thought of coming back tomorrow with his badge in full view.
Normally, he didn’t like to flaunt his job as a police officer, but he could see that the girl needed to be put back in her place. She was being racist, and as both an officer of the law and a black man, he couldn’t let this slide. He would be delighted to see the expression on her face when she realized who she was dealing with.
The entire incident began that afternoon when Baker decided to get lunch at a local diner. It was a hot day in Alexandria, and after working six consecutive 12-hour shifts, Carl Joseph Baker just wanted a break. All he wanted was to sit down and relax for one day. He had meticulously planned his day off: sleep in, enjoy a meal at the…..Read Full Story Here……………..