A plus-size white lady caused huge stir on the internet as a video of her dance showcase with a group of persons went viral.
The white lady identified as Kacy Rondeau showcased her dance skill much to the admiration of many Nigerians.
It was how she did Nigerian dance moves, including zanku for many people.
In a video seen on her Instagram page, the lady and another petite female dancer led the way with the white lady dancer carrying herself effortlessly.
keeping in rhythm with the song in play, Kacy went from one popular Nigerian dance style to the other giving infectious leg and hand moves.

She eventually wrapped up the sizzling performance with the zanku dance by thumping her feet on the ground asynchronously and then a final kick out.
The White lady who is famed for showcasing her dance skills in short videos she shares on social media has a growing number of followers, including over 132k on Instagram alone.
BWatch the video below;: