I was processing the news of the vicious murder and burning of a 30-year-old man by the name of Ahmad Usman by a mob of wretched, bloodthirsty Muslim fanatics in Abuja over “blasphemy” when I read of the sickeningly horrendous mass slaughter of scores of Catholic worshippers, including children, in Owo, Ondo State, this morning.
I’m sick to my stomach. This is way more grief than I can bear in one day!
Unfortunately, the Buhari regime will issue the sadly familiar and predictable statement from its prepackaged templates—until the next tragedy hits.

There’s no better incentive for murderous criminality and terrorist barbarism than the absence of punishment for it.
We asked that the murderers of Deborah in Sokoto be brought to justice. We were ignored, and other holy murderers snuffed out another life because they know there will be no consequence for their murder.
Boko Haram terrorists in the Northeast are pampered and “rehabilitated” and terrorist bandits in the northwest and the northcentral are either ignored or featherbedded.
Now they have moved to the Southwest. Nowhere is safe anymore. That’s Buhari’s legacy: democratized banditry and impunity.
I think government need to sit up and create vigilante group in all the local government, empowering them with necessary weapons and as well as logistics to be able to reduce the number of killing in their area. Very pathetic and sad for innocent people to be killed in the church. God have mercy and help us.
this picture is fake, please my fellow Nigerian we should tell our self the trued because religion and political difference will not solve our problems,let unite together to save our country all together. Thanks
What made the picture fake? This is the problem of this thing called a country, the same people suffering in the north are defending the murderous perpetrators, shame
Are u one of the attackers? Be careful on what u say, nemercy will locate u shame
God pls come n help us
😭😭😭 God
Most sad indeed. We surely have no government but senseless cabals in control of Nigeria. May the souls of the dead rest in peace.
Nigeria is bleeding weekly monthly and yearly we are here shouting,, let’s support mazi nnamdi KANU freedom for biafrans let’s all have a great good life God has given to us
Respect GOD,,,we are all human being,,why kill for what purpose??
Please, dear citizens, protect your locality regardless of government inability or political statements in the name of policies. Protect your lives ooo.
Too bad
Respect GOD,,,we are all human being,,why kill for what purpose??
Enough is enough we the Yoruba we need to fight for ourselves because is now clear that Muslim want to have every part of Nigeria they did not want christian and I believe it is buhari work pls my people it is time to stand on our own let us support the Yoruba nation oduduwa a gbe wa ooo
what a world that people now live on fear and agony and pressure why the so call our leaders sit and watch innocent souls being wast out of nothing just to fulfill they selfish ambitious but god will ponished them all, and i think the yorubas needs to stand up to they fit and do something that the so call leaders will know that the rate of killing in nigeria is alarming not just nigerias but the youths who would have done better than those quake and useless leaders of ours na god go juge them all because they know all of this happeness
Barbaric Nigerians,when children go to school, they are killed.
When christians are worshipping God, they get killed.
Even when they loose a football match, they kill.
Generation of murderers.
They don’t even deserve to be mingled with.
Ghana government must send these generational murderers back to their fatherland jxt lyk Bussia did in his tym. We are not same with them here!!!
I think the government should invite him to that we should be able to solve this matter about falani