MI6 sources claim Vladimir Putin may already be dead amid speculation about the Russian leader’s health.
Media reports suggests that a body double may have been used for recent appearances, as Kremlin cronies would be keen to cover up his death in an attempt to cling on to power.
There have been rumours that the warmonger’s health has been deteriorating in recent months, with his face appearing bloated and observer’s questioning whether the 69-year-old might have blood cancer.
Senior MI6 bosses say the Russian president has been seriously ill recently, but that his death would likely be covered up.
Recent media appearances had very probably been pre-recorded, a source said, while speculating that his appearance at the Moscow Victory Day Parade earlier this month could have been a body double.
One intelligence source: “Putin is very ill and when he dies his death will be kept secret for weeks, if not months.
“There is also the possibility that he is already dead. It’s impossible to know.
“It is believed that Putin has employed body doubles in the past when he has been unwell and the Kremlin could be doing so now.
“Putin is the head of a small group of senior officials who are completely loyal to him.
“The real fear (for his cronies) is that once his death is announced there could be a Kremlin coup and Russian generals will want to withdraw from Ukraine .
“Putin’s death will leave them powerless and vulnerable so they have a vested interest in saying that Putin is alive – when the reverse could be true.”
It is widely believed that Putin is taking steroids or receiving cancer treatment which has left him looking puffy-faced.
Two weeks ago, a Russian oligarch with close links to the Kremlin said Putin is “very ill with blood cancer” and had surgery before invading Ukraine.
Ukraine’s head of military intelligence Major General Kyrylo Budanov also claimed Putin is seriously ill with cancer.
Russian affairs expert Fiona Hill, who has met Putin in the past, said he was “not looking so great” and could be taking “high doses of steroids”.
Meanwhile, it has emerged Russian tank losses are so great that the Kremlin is having to deploy a machine called the T-62 which is over 60 years old.
Send Trump back to smell his ass. He would def know if it was him. He is the best ass smeller. Ask anyone.
Mike,this is a subject that you know better than anyone else
Ukraine would never have been invaded you idiot Biden botched the Afghanistan withdrawal and emboldened this Soviet leftover are you really THAT stupid?
The west are the biggest smart ass deep fakers.
Pretending to save the world from a Putin.
A guy who did not nuclear bomb Kiev as the Allie’s did to Japan to end ww2 without giving notice!!!!!! twice!!!!
If Putin have done it.this way, many thousands of Russian would have not to die and there would be no Ukraine war, a racist war instigated to wipe out Russia.
The invasion would have gotten what Russia wanted, their “NY state”= the EastUkrain back where it belongs, to Russia as NYstate to the country.
When citizens get only informed with halftruth info and faked bla bla, than happens ” corrige la fortune” and there is the zelensky and the west much better than Russia.
Simple as this.
Sometimes I think the Western leadership and their media is just a bunch of idiots. This fake Putin disease has been there since the Georgia war. I hear that Putin is the one who is conservative and that others are radicals. What kind of spy is this? The one who found the Irak arms of destructions I guess. Report news or give people a break
Problem with your theory.
You seem to have forgotten the history of Pearl Harbor, and that Japan struck in a horrific attack, 7 hours before declaring war, and the rest of Pearl Harbor. This happened just after peace talks broke down. Time wise for that era, that means the attack was going to happen either way. That was why the US felt okay with dropping large experimental bombs on their enemy.
Your view of worl history is very skewed and off if you compare US/Japan from WWII to Russia today.
Who is it that is spewing fakes???
It would appear your world history is a bit off.