When a woman unknowingly gave birth on her toilet, what looked like an afterbirth left her in pieces.
In the early hours of the morning, Claire Evans felt an urgent need to use the bathroom. Then, as serious pain took hold, she knew that something wasn’t right. Even so, the young woman never anticipated what was about to happen, and before long, there would be some shocks in store for her and her partner.
Claire, from Stoke-on-Trent in England, was in her twenties at the time, but she experienced severe cramping. Even prior to that, though, she had faced some pretty tough times. In 2000, when she was just 19 years old, Claire had woken up to discover that her right hand seemingly wasn’t functioning. She was neither able to write nor pick up even the lightest of objects, and as Claire’s condition didn’t improve, she went to….Read Full Story Here………………….