Almighty Lord, do not abandon Mom, I beg you. Make it so that we have money for her treatment. Let her regain her good eyesight. Let her enjoy the flowers she loves so much and be able to work and sometimes even draw.

Do not plunge her into darkness. Help us; I know you can do anything in this world. Rita crossed herself and kissed the small icon standing on her bedside table. The girl climbed into bed and almost immediately fell asleep.
She had an incredible dream: she stood in white clothing, barefoot on a hill somewhere, singing. Her voice sounded pure and loud, and there were people near the hill, many people. They all clapped and threw flowers and soft toys at her. Rita’s heart sang too, and a sweet warmth spread through her body, like thick jelly filling her entire being.
Suddenly, the girl saw her mom. She stood far from the hill, waving happily to her daughter. She saw her, saw her very well. Looking into her mother’s eyes, Rita saw them shining with happiness. Then young Rita sang even louder, even clearer. Her voice soared above the……Read Full Story Here………………..