For Scott, a black garbage man, it was business as usual as he went about his job picking garbage off the streets. However, things changed when he helped an old woman without knowing who she was. What happened next is shocking. It was a cold evening as Scott made his way through the busy streets. He had a big bag in his hand and a long stick that he used to pick the garbage off the floor. He wore a thick leather jacket, heavy gloves, and safety boots to protect himself against the harsh weather. He drove from street to…
Author: town gist
In the heart of the Deep South, a waitress feeds a black homeless man. When he leaves, she discovers who he really is and screams in terror, knowing full well that her kind act is going to open a can of worms. The diner clock glared at a constant 2:03 a.m. Another graveyard shift; her worn sneakers barely counted as shoes anymore, and her feet already ached. A fresh pot of coffee sputtered behind her, its bitterness doing nothing to cut the thick haze of old grease. The door creaked open, and the discordant chime sliced through the quiet hum.…
A restaurant staff refused to serve this black man at a diner. He returned to the restaurant the next day, and what he did shocked everyone who worked there. Joseph Baker had been in line for over 45 minutes, and now this very mannerless counter staff was telling him that she couldn’t serve him. No matter how many times he asked, she wouldn’t even tell him why. This was all very new to Baker; people rarely disobeyed him, and anywhere he went, he was always in charge. So what the hell was happening here? Baker could now clearly see that…
This kind-hearted man found a baby girl left alone on a wooden bench. He was greatly moved and took the baby home. Many years later, an unexpected miracle happened. Dmitry was a young man who lived in the city of Moscow. Since he worked as a consultant for several companies, he was not home most of the time. However, even though he lacked nothing financially, he still was not a happy man. A few months into his marriage, he lost his wife and daughter to a tragic accident. Since that awful day, things had never been the same for him.…
On a quiet Thursday afternoon, the peaceful atmosphere of the local police dispatch room in one of the smallest cities in the state of Alabama was disrupted by an unexpected voice over the 911 line—a brief, innocent call that would touch the hearts of all those present and change the course of many people’s lives. The office was quiet, as had been usual in recent months and especially in the last two weeks of a particularly hot summer. It was thought that no one dared to commit crimes or anything else because there were hardly any people on the streets…
When a black waitress noticed a homeless boy in her diner, she took pity on him and decided to feed him without charging a dime. But when she discovered who he truly was, she screamed in horror. The Cozy Corner Diner had seen better days, but its worn, familiar appearance provided a sense of comfort to its regular patrons. Lisa had been working there for five years, ever since her husband left, and she needed to support herself and her daughter, Cassie. The diner was more than just a job; it was a second home that offered warmth and familiarity…
This man was fired by his boss just because he gave his last $100 to a poor girl sadly walking on the side of the road. Suddenly, a black luxury car stopped next to him. The window rolled down, revealing the poor girl from yesterday, smiling at him. “Hi, I’m Jame Miller. I work at a small factory as a laborer. I don’t have any fancy qualifications. I started working right after high school. Today, I noticed a girl who looked quite worn out. She had on a high school uniform, but it didn’t seem like it was from around…
A little girl of just 11 years old is about to marry an old man, but when they discover the real reason for the wedding, everyone is shocked. It was a gloomy morning, with the sky covered in thick gray clouds that promised rain at any moment. Despite the bad weather, the day would be marked by an event that would brighten up the damp mood. Inside a decorated lounge, Haley was being prepared for the most important event of the year. Tears rolled down her childish face as she saw herself in the mirror, dressed as a bride, getting…
Southwest flight staff tells mom to leave plane; then she gets a strange phone call. The plane slowly started to taxi along the runway at Detroit Metropolitan Airport. Alisa Johnson, a black plus-sized mom, turned off her phone in accordance with the rules and sat back, preparing herself for takeoff. But just as she was settling into her seat, something unexpected happened. Instead of heading for the sky, the plane turned back towards the gate. Alisa felt a wave of confusion sweep over the cabin as passengers began to look around, wondering what was happening. She saw a flight attendant…
This woman was surprised to discover her father left her a house in her inheritance. The house in question was the family’s forgotten home and had been abandoned for many years. She visited the house and turned pale when she found someone inside, but that would just be one of the first surprises. Becca didn’t get much time to deal with her father’s sudden death. She had been his only family left, so she was the one tasked with organizing the funeral and handling all other arrangements. When that was finally over, she received an invite from the notary for…