Author: town gist

“No, no, no, this can’t be,” Bill exclaimed, his voice echoing off the nearby trees. Disbelief filled his eyes as he took in the sight before him. It was Daisy, one of his favorite cows, which he thought to have lost on a bleak morning eight months prior. Never had he anticipated that he would see her again. With each passing month and no sign of his beloved cow, he had gradually lost all hope. Yet, there she was, right in front of him as if nothing had ever happened. Amidst his excitement, something caused Bill to halt in his…

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Amelia, a small-town police officer, never expected a routine beach patrol to turn into a chilling mystery. As she stood before the ancient ship that had washed ashore after 90 years, she felt a shiver down her spine. What she discovered inside was so unsettling that she radioed for backup without hesitation. But before we start, smash the like button and make sure to subscribe if you haven’t, and hit that notification bell so that you won’t miss any new stories. It had happened on one of her routine patrols. She had been cruising the beach to see any trace…

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John was having a hard time finding the horse of his dreams, but when he first laid eyes on this enormous creature, he immediately knew this was the animal he wanted. He made a deal with the owner, which was surprisingly easy and cheap, but he didn’t know that there was something special about this horse—something so special even the police would get involved. John knew that he had no other choice but to bring his new horse to the vet. There was something going on with his beloved animal, and he could not fix it himself. But it quickly…

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Zoe had noticed her dad’s new peculiar habit of rushing to the barn every time her mom left the house, but she never understood why. Finally, curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to follow him one day, tiptoeing behind as he hurriedly made his way to the barn. The sight that met her eyes was beyond anything she could have imagined. How was her mother going to react when she found out what dad was doing in the barn? Zoe knew she had found out her dad’s biggest secret, and she couldn’t believe he had been keeping…

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Cop pulls over black man. When he rolls down his window, his life changes forever. In the small town of Riverton, Officer Jack Thompson was on his usual patrol. It was a quiet evening, the kind where the only excitement was the occasional speeder or someone running a stop sign. Jack, a veteran cop with over 20 years on the force, had seen it all. He prided himself on his instincts, his ability to read people and situations. But tonight, those instincts would lead him to a life-changing encounter. Jack had a history of complaints against him for racial harassment,…

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Angela was a devoted mother who cherished her son and was ready to do everything within her power to ensure his success and happiness. Unfortunately, he suddenly died one day, and at his funeral, Angela angrily opened her son’s coffin. What happened next made everyone scream. Angela raised her son Richard in a small town. They didn’t have much, but they were happy and content. Angela worked very hard to give her son a good education and to provide him with everything he needed. She made sure to spend quality time with him and taught him all about the importance…

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Becky worked as a housekeeper for 10 years, cleaning a rich man named Gregory’s house. She did her job well to support her two children and save for their education. One day, she discovered that the house she had been cleaning was actually hers. Becky had been working for Gregory since it was just him and his first wife, Linda, living there. Even though they were wealthy, they were very kind to Becky and often talked to her. When Linda died suddenly, both Gregory and Becky were very sad. Since then, Becky was the only person Gregory was close to,…

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A few days ago, I asked a male friend, “Can a guy propose to a girl he doesn’t like?” He responded with, “What do you mean? You mean the guy doesn’t love the girl but still proposes?” I replied, “Yeah, something like that. A guy meets a girl, knows she’s not his type physically, but still tries to get her interested and then proposes.” He said, “If any guy does that, he’s not sane.” I thought to myself, “That’s exactly what I’m thinking. He’s not sane or something is wrong with him.” I’m talking about my boyfriend. Or maybe I…

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It was a bright and sunny day, perfect for a wedding ceremony. Everyone was in high spirits and prepared to have a beautiful day. But the event took a drastic turn when the priest took a sharp look at the bride and stopped everything. The reason is shocking. Friends and family gathered to witness the union of Donald and Media. As the organist played the Wedding March, Donald strolled confidently to the front pew, his eyes fixated on the crucifix adorning the altar. Anxious but hopeful, he adjusted his brown tuxedo suit, silently praying for everything to proceed smoothly. While…

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Imam refused to hold her baby because of his appearance. But when the doctors did a test, their hushed whispers and troubled glances only added to the mystery of the shocking results they had discovered. After getting to the hospital, Karen finally gave birth 48 hours later. As the doctor delivered the baby, their expressions shifted from focused determination to one of pure shock. Frankie and Karen couldn’t understand what was happening as the atmosphere in the delivery room grew increasingly tense. The silence was deafening as the doctors exchanged worried glances. One of the doctors, who was trembling, finally…

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