Author: town gist

Jenna was on her break when a homeless man approached and asked her for something to eat. She shared her lunch and talked with the stranger. This surprising conversation inspired her to pick up her studies and help the man get a better life. And she ended up working for him after graduation.“You can go have your lunch break now, Jenna,” her boss said with a wave of her bony hand.Jenna sighed and went to the employee room at the back. She grabbed her lunch, a pack of cigarettes, and exited through the back door. That’s where all the cooks…

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A young single mom nurses her sick grandmother devotedly, but when she passes away, all she gets is an old couch.For Deborah Marks, giving her terminally ill grandmother all the help and support she could was not a duty, it was a pleasure. Her grandmother, Tessa, had been there for her throughout her childhood, in a way her cold-hearted, aloof mother never had.Now that Tessa was in the final stages of her life, Deborah wanted to be there for her, despite the many difficulties her life as a single mother of two entailed. Her mother, Martha, was as indifferent a…

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Kim moved into her grandmother’s house after college to help her out. But when the older woman died, she and her big half-brother, Peter, discovered that their grandmother had sold the house to a third party. Neither could inherit it, and Kim thought she would have to move until a surprising person knocked on her door.“I don’t understand what’s happening, Mr. Salazar. What do you mean Grandma’s house is not part of the will?” Kim’s half-brother, Peter, asked their lawyer a few days after their grandmother’s funeral. Anna had been a kind soul, and Kim loved her dearly.After college, she…

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I Study And Graduated As Medical Doctor, But I Ended Up Being a Shoe Maker- Lady Reveals A young Nigerian lady has revealed how she made an involuntary career change from medicine to shoe making.She studied medicine in school but due to the challenges of unemployment and underemployment in the country, she decided to follow an alternative career path. The young doctor who describes herself as a medical shoemaker shared a video-reel showing when she graduated from the university and what she does now. She could be seen with some handmade slippers and shoes, which she made with equipment at…

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A few years after her husband died, Laura decided to move to her parents’ old apartment in Miami. But she was there only a month when her first love, Nathan, appeared on her doorstep. Their relationship was full of mystery until he simply disappeared. Finally, she was about to learn the shocking reason why.A month ago, 78-year-old Laura took the plunge and moved to her parents’ old apartment in Miami. They bought it when they retired a long time ago, and she inherited it when they died. But Laura’s entire life was in Durham, North Carolina, so her family used…

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After noticing that her student doesn’t eat his lunch and frequently dumpster dives for food, a teacher becomes suspicious of him and decides to follow him. What she discovers along the way changes her life.Sandra Elliot worked as a teacher at Summerville Charter School in Nashville, Tennessee. Academically, the woman was a Ph.D. scholar, but when she and her husband James were not blessed with children, she took up the job—much against what her academic qualification could have offered—so that she could be close to children.Sandra had a sweet and kind demeanor, so all of her students adored her as…

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An old millionaire leaves behind a gigantic $5.3 million mansion after his death, but there’s a twist: neither his wife nor his daughter inherits it.”Will you be able to come later today, William?” 89-year-old Samuel asked his lawyer, William Banks, on the phone.”Well, I can, Mr. Brown. But are you sure about the will? I’d advise you to think about it once more.””I’m as certain of it as I am of who will be the next heir to all of my property, William. I look forward to seeing you soon. Is it possible for you to take some time for…

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A worried father becomes aware that his vulnerable 14-year-old daughter is receiving expensive gifts and meeting a strange man.Oliver Farrow was a caring and vigilant dad, but it still took him over a month to realize that something was going on with his daughter Carla. At fourteen, Carla was lovely, sweet, and bright, but she was still a teenager.Like all teenagers, she deeply resented what she saw as her parents’ attempts to ‘interfere’ in her life. So Oliver and his wife Gail tread a narrow path, allowing Carla relative freedom, but keeping an eye out for trouble — and then…

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When her daughter-in-law, Eve, got pregnant, Madeleine didn’t trust her. She thought the baby didn’t belong to her son, Elliot. Eventually, Elliot fought with Eve and got into an accident driving drunk. Madeleine didn’t speak to Eve again, but a year later, she saw her grave next to her son’s and discovered the unbelievable truth.Madeleine Brady walked through Glenwood Cemetery, looking for her son’s grave. She knew exactly where it was but had only visited a couple of times since his death. It was still hard to believe that Elliot was gone. She shook her head at those thoughts because…

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A woman recognizes the father who abandoned her as a young child in a homeless man she was photographing in the streets of New York.Shelley Collins was 10 when the father she adored vanished without a trace. One moment he was there, always laughing, and joking, teasing Shelley, kissing her mom, then he was gone.There was no goodbye note, no explanation. Shelley and her mother Dina had known he wasn’t the victim of some accident because his camera was gone, as was his favorite backpack, his passport, and half of the family’s savings. He had abandoned them. While Dina wept…

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