Author: town gist

Everyone on the bus yelled at a young boy who refused to give up his seat to an older woman. However, the complaints faded away a few minutes later after the bus driver defended the youngster.It was a cold wintry morning in Chicago, Illinois when a swarm of people boarded Timmy’s bus. Timmy, a chubby, hearty man in his forties, always greeted his passengers with a smile every morning they boarded his bus, but that day had been different.Due to the heavy snowfall that morning, almost everyone at the bus stop had rushed inside to avoid the cold, making the…

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A wealthy man who is heartbroken after learning he can never become a father decides to adopt a child and raise him as his own. However, his adoption journey takes quite an unusual turn when he ends up adopting 5 children on the same day!Daniel Smith had no idea that his life would take a dramatic turn when he visited the Bright Horizons Orphanage Home in Austin, Texas. The man was a wealthy Texas businessman who could not have children due to a spinal cord injury that rendered him infertile and immobile, confined to a wheelchair. However, Daniel was rich.…

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A little girl discovers that a reclusive old lady living next door is actually a child star from the fifties and becomes her friend and changes her lonely life.May Ryder noticed their neighbor for the first time when she was just seven years old. There was something about the pretty old lady next door that seemed very familiar to May. She’d seen her face before, but where?May asked her mom, and her mom told her that their neighbor was what people call a ‘recluse,’ someone who doesn’t like talking to other people or making friends. “That must be very lonely!”…

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A homeless man who had become a petty thief to survive gets a chance to redeem himself when he comes across a burning vehicle holding a rich girl and her driver. Kate Reuben was an ice princess — a name given to her at her high school by her gang of sycophants. She was just 15 years old, but all of her jewelry was natural pure diamonds and gold, earning her the name ice princess.Aside from her riches, she was also lovely with brilliant sapphire eyes that twinkled whenever she smiled. Her parents were rich people who owned an international…

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John’s wife gets worried when he goes out to the barn during the worst blizzard of the century and decides to go and rescue him despite the danger.Jenny Sennite was seventy-four years old and she wasn’t enjoying retirement as much as she’d imagined. In fact, she hated it. She had tried to talk her husband John into buying a condo in Florida so they could soak up the sunshine, but John had other ideas.His grandparents had been farmers in Montana and he had fond memories of the summers he’d spent with them. So John got them a little ranch with…

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An old woman with estranged kids decides to pull a nasty prank on them to see who was worthy enough to inherit her wealth. Agatha Stones was dying, and she knew it. The 83-year-old was a woman who had given birth to four kids before her husband Rodney passed away. However, those kids had all become adults and moved away from home to start their own lives. It was something Agatha should have been proud of, but she felt the opposite way. This was because all of her kids had become mostly interested in material things alone at the expense…

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An elderly widow offers to pay for a poor man’s groceries, but things take an unexpected turn when she examines his face closely and realizes he resembles her late husband!It was a cold wintry morning in Sunnyvale, California when Dorothy Baker left her house for a trip to a nearby grocery store. Dorothy, who is 85 years old, had recently lost her husband, Edward. The man was an archeologist who was usually away from home for work, and on the day Dorothy found out he’d died, he’d said he’d be late from work. Little did the woman know he’d never…

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A woman goes through a rude awakening in a cafe and decides to do something about it — the first thing to go was her husband, but did he deserve it?Debra Skye was a 52-year-old woman who was very much young at heart. At her age, she did not recognize herself as an old woman — not that she had a lot of time to dwell on the subject since she had to work three jobs. This was to support her family as she was the breadwinner.Her husband, Austin Skye, was a man who had slowly become a burden after…

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When police officers detained a little boy in broad daylight one day, his loud cries echoed through the air, grabbing the attention of others in the vicinity. Shortly afterward, the cops were interrupted by a stranger’s voice. Some people like to do things by the book. Based on the situation and circumstances, others might have a somewhat different approach to handling matters. But whatever measures police officers resort to, they might still be considered harsh, rude, and dangerous. Some might even think that cops like resorting to strict policing techniques. However, there is always more than one side to any…

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A poor mother went into panic mode when she entered her 8-year-old son’s bedroom at night and found out he had disappeared without a trace. “Mom! Mom!” Anthony cried as he took a seat at the dining table. “Can we go to the amusement park this weekend? Last week, Paul and his parents went there, and it was a lot of fun!””Oh, was it, honey?” Lydia, his mother, inquired as she placed two pancakes on his plate and a glass of milk on the table.”Yes, mom! And do you know….” Anthony had only begun to speak when his father, Jacob,…

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