The marriage of the popular Nollywood actor, Yomi Fabiyi, and his wife, Jimoh Grace, has allegedly crashed, making it his second failed union. Controversial blogger, Gist Lover, made the revelation in a post after a chat with Yomi’s wife who claimed to have been through a lot under him. It is also reported that Yomi Fabiyi moved out of the house after dragging his wife to court for the legal dissolution of their union. Sharing snapshots of the exchange, the blogger wrote; “Actor yomi Fabiyi marriage folds up for the 3rd time. Hello tueh tueh, if I talk them no…
Author: town gist
A Nigerian man has wowed his girlfriend by taking her to a POS shop and being overtly generous.He handed his ATM card to his babe, revealed his pin and told her to withdraw any amount she wants. She initially thought he was pulling her legs, and laughed it off, but he told her to put the pin and take whatever would be enough to make her hair. The lady said she would like to collect N25,000, and she proceeded to punch in the pin on the POS machine. Watch Video below:
A Nigerian lady has made a cry for help online after being stranded at an unknown location following her visit to a friend.She claimed to have visited a guy who gave her an unknown drug (most likely rophypnol), to lick but after leaving his place, she became disoriented. In a video she posted on social media, the young woman showed off her tongue which had turned blue and said that she has no idea where she was. She burst into tears and urged family as well as friends who are able to watch the video to call her and try…
Gunmen attacked the residence of a pastor, Rev. Daniel Umaru, killed his two sons and abducted his 13-year-old daughter in Mubi, Adamawa State. Details of the incident are still sketchy at the time of filing this report but it was gathered that the gunmen stormed the cleric’s house on Tuesday night, July 5, and shot him in the leg. According to report, Rev. Umaru, who is the Pastor in charge of EYN Church (Ikilisiya Yan’uwa a Nijeria-Church of Brethren in Nigeria) Nja Njairi, Mubi, is fighting for his life in a hospital while his wife is currently in coma due…
Two staff of the Porth Harcourt Electricity Distribution Company (PHED) were attacked while trying to disconnect the power lines of defaulters in Rumuewhara, Port Harcourt.A video shared online shows two PHED officials, one on top of a ladder disconnecting the power lines and another at the foot of the ladder. Suddenly, locals approached the PHED official at the foot of the ladder and attack him before throwing him to the ground and landing blows on him. While this is going on, a woman walks up to the ladder and pulls it, causing the PHED official on top of the ladder…
A man notices some of his things disappearing from his house while he is away, so he installs hidden security cameras to learn what is happening. Reddit user TobyMe11 took to the “ProRevenge” sub to share what his friend did after discovering things wouldn’t stop going missing from his home.The Original Poster (OP) explained that his friend and his then-fiancée worked long hours to pay for their house loan and prepare for their future together, but they dealt with an unpleasant situation. OP’s friends barely had time for each other. Their hectic schedules also prevented them from doing the house…
Sam and Paige noticed that someone was stealing money from their home nearly every day. They put a modern security system in the house, but it did not help. They even suspected that it was not a person stealing the money and asked a priest to bless their house again. But all in vain. When they identified the real cause, they were shocked. Sam and Paige, a young married couple, are parents to a beautiful four-year-old named Jenny. As the only child, Jenny’s parents made sure that she only received the best of everything, including her education.The couple trusted her…
Sylvia and her little boy had to take their dog to the vet for surgery. They have been on the train for about half an hour, and Jackie is barking loudly all the way. Sylvia pulled him out of the cage several times, put him on her knees, and tried to calm him down. All the people passing by looked sideways at Sylvia, but no one said anything bad because everyone saw that the woman was trying to calm the dog with all her might, but she could not. Finally, one rude man lost his temper and began to insult…
Patrick and Lily are an ordinary married couple raising two teenage children. The family lives quite poorly, but they overcome all obstacles together, so everyone feels happy. The only thing they lack is money. Because of this, Patrick buys a lottery ticket every week, hoping that sooner or later he will be lucky. And finally, it happened! Patrick was an average man working as a security guard in a commercial establishment, while his loving wife, Lily, was part of the maintenance staff of a public school in the city. Although they did not earn much, it was enough to live…
Austin grew up in a very religious family. When he turned 18, his parents immediately began to choose a bride for him from their church, but guy was not interested in it. He was not interested in women at all and eventually realized that he was gay. The parents refused to put up with it and asked their son to keep it a secret, but Austin decided to be free. However, he chose the most unexpected place for confession. Growing up, parents tell their children to be themselves — the best version of themselves. Still, there are times when a…