Author: town gist

A doctor lost on a lonely road knocks on the door of a small house looking for help and discovers that he is an instrument of God.Sandy Carpenter’s eyes filled with tears as she listened to her doctor. “My dear,” he said gently. “There is nothing more we can do for Jimmy here. You need to take him to a specialist. “I can write you a recommendation to three doctors — they are the only ones in the country who could help him — but you’ll have to take Jimmy to them. Boston, or New York, or Atlanta.”But Sandy was…

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A woman is shocked when she sees a homeless stranger wearing the pendant she’d buried with her fiancé after his death in a car crash.Linda Gillian thought that she had done all her mourning for her fiancé, Jake Reynolds, but when she caught a glimpse of that man on the street corner, with the light catching on the pendant around his neck, her heart broke all over again.Two years ago she buried Jake with that exact pendant, buried him and all her hopes of happiness with him just two days before what should have been her wedding day, Now this…

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When Kyle’s father couldn’t pick him up from school one day due to a meeting at work, he was asked to take the school bus home along with the rest of his classmates. However, things took a sharp turn when the bus driver made a mistake while calling out the bus stop locations. Kyle was not used to riding the school bus, but he had no choice but to take it one day when his mom and dad were busy with work. So, his teacher guided him on what he needed to do before boarding.”Alright sweetheart, so the bus driver…

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A woman gets curious about a little girl begging strangers to buy her last pair of boots near the church and decides to follow her – what she discovers along the way changes her life forever.When Ryan Jenkins lost his wife Martha to leukemia, he knew things weren’t going to be easy for him. Within three months of Martha’s diagnosis, he was already struggling to pay the bills and care for their daughter Sally, and things only got worse when Martha went to her heavenly home.Ryan, a single father now and a small construction worker in Pennsylvania, worked day and…

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An orphan learns about his father’s unfinished home from his granny and asks to be taken there — what he found changed their lives forever. Ten years old Charley Bart lived with his grandmother, Emily. The woman was a 68-year-old woman who had unfortunately outlived all the three kids she gave birth to when she was younger. Charley’s mother, her daughter, was the only child who gave her a grandchild before passing on, and so Emily took great care of the boy even though she did not have much. Emily’s daughter, Catherine, and her husband, Tom, had been headed towards…

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The Biden administration through the USDA is set to enforce transgender-friendly bathroom policies through a scheme that ties funding for federal aid programs for student food via compliance of “equity” friendly systems.A formal announcement on this is slated for next month, according to The Federalist. Biden Admin: K-12 Schools Must Put Boys In Girls’ Bathrooms To Get Federal Lunch Money— The Federalist (@FDRLST) May 25, 2022In a press release at the beginning of May, the USDA announced they’re expanding their interpretation 1972’s Title IX Education Amendments and the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 to include sexual orientation and gender…

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GOP Sen. Rick Scott of Florida is taking steps to ensure the World Health Organization cannot gain enough power to dictate policies to the U.S. government in the event of a global health pandemic.Scott introduced a bill that would clarify that public health matters are squarely in the jurisdiction of the U.S., not the WHO, according to Fox News. According to Scott’s website, the bill would “prevent any U.S. official from treating as binding any directive or order issued from the World Health Assembly, the WHO, or its agents or branches.”It would also “require America’s representatives to the WHO to…

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Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke by phone to the leaders of France and Germany for 80 minutesThe leaders of France and Germany have urged Russia’s Vladimir Putin to hold “direct [and] serious negotiations” with Ukraine’s president, the German chancellor’s office said.Emmanuel Macron and Olaf Scholz spoke to Mr Putin by phone for 80 minutes.The pair “insisted on an immediate ceasefire and a withdrawal of Russian troops,” the chancellor’s office said.Russia’s leader said Moscow was open to resuming dialogue with Kyiv, according to the Kremlin.It did not mention the possibility of direct talks between Mr Putin and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr…

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‘The bodies of the children shot dead in Uvalde aren’t even buried yet, and Trump is dancing at an NRA gun celebration’ Donald Trump has been slammed for dancing after reading a list of those who died in the Texas school shooting.The former president spoke at the convention of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and danced to the 1966 song Hold On, I’m Comin’ by Sam and Dave after his speech, during which he read out the names of those who died in Uvalde on Tuesday.He argued that teachers should be armed to be able to defend themselves and their…

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A young girl brings a homeless man home without informing her mother and provides him with refuge and food. But her mother soon discovers the truth, and the events that follow drastically change their lives. Jackie Wilkinson was a single mother who raised her daughter Clarissa alone after her husband Andrew died of leukemia six years ago.After Andrew’s passing, several of Jackie’s friends advised her to get married, emphasizing that Clarissa was young and needed a father’s care as well, but Jackie refused and instead chose to raise Clarissa alone. Of course, juggling housework and raising a 6-year-old kid alone…

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