Upon his arrival, this homeowner witnessed a bizarre sight through his door’s peephole. Someone was inside his apartment. When he opened the door, the guilty party was caught off guard and immediately began to scream.
When this homeowner heard a noise coming from inside his apartment, he stopped in his tracks. He was sure to record a video of the incident for proof. In the clip, a man can be seen through the peephole.
The intruder got the fright of his life as the door flung open abruptly. After he watched the scene for a while, the homeowner decided to act. The first words out of his mouth were, “Dude! I promise I wasn’t doing anything!”
The intruder had a guilty look all over his face from the moment the camera spotted him. His defensive tone didn’t help much either. He continued to repeat that he wasn’t doing anything in the apartment, but his story didn’t add up …
His excuse for being inside a stranger’s home without their knowledge or permission is absurd. First, he denied committing a crime. Then, he offered the homeowner another lie, digging himself into an even bigger hole.

The intruder explained that he was “testing the door.” He implied that his apartment’s door was faulty, so he wanted to assess the situation by comparing it to someone else’s. But this still didn’t explain what he was doing on the inside of a stranger’s home.
Internet users could not believe their ears or their eyes. It was clear that this man was trespassing on someone else’s property. The excuse he provided was feeble, and nobody could make sense of his version of events.
viewer expressed:
“This guy sounds so much like a kid trying to make excuses, it’s unsettling … I can’t imagine what a [expletive] he was growing up, let alone NOW.”
Another viewer added that things would be “real awkward” if these two ever bumped into each other again. Despite the man’s continued insistence that he was innocent, this homeowner wasn’t having any of it. He swiftly reacted and ordered him to leave.

This guy was not the only intruder to be caught in the process of committing a crime. Donny Weston noticed some suspicious activity on the doorstep of a neighborhood home. He spotted the thief and decided to do the right thing. Instead of looking the other way, he chased the man down.
After the police arrested the crook, Weston was hailed a hero for his efforts. He was able to apprehend the guilty party who tried to run off with a package. He returned this stolen package to its rightful owner and was rewarded with a brand new bicycle for his selfless actions!.