High school expels soldier for his color; then something unexpected happens.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” – Benjamin Franklin Marcus Williams understood these words deeply. Growing up as a young black man in a predominantly white town, he had often found himself at the receiving end of subtle and overt prejudices.

Yet he remained undeterred, fueled by a dream larger than the small-mindedness he sometimes encountered. His dream was to serve his country, a goal that had anchored him through countless challenges and adversities.
Marcus Williams sat at his desk, his eyes focused on the application forms spread out before him. He’d always dreamed of serving his country, and now, as a senior in high school, he had the chance to make that dream a reality.
Despite the whispers and sidelong glances he often received because of his race, Marcus was determined to prove his worth. Graduating early was no small feat, but Marcus was driven by a passion that few understood. His parents, both supportive and proud, had always taught him the….Read Full Story Here……………….