Please post this. I write this to seek advice from this community because I have perservered for a long time but there is almost nothing to show for it. I have been married to my wife for seven years. In these years, I have been very faithful to her. We have been trying to have a child but all to no avail. We have been to various hospitals and laboratories but nothing to show for it. My mother-in-law as well as my own mom have both taken us to different prayer ministries to decipher the cause of our childlessness but no results yet.
We have been very optimistic but it’s as if optimism has nothing to do with this situation. Medically, the doctors we have seen confirm that we are both alright. Once, a doctor said my wife had an infection and needed to treat it. We did that. He recommended some drugs which were all very expensive and we bought them and my wife also took them as prescribed but nothing changed afterwards. We have spent so much money on different hospitals . We have approached various gynecologists and top consultants yet nothing.
Some of the doctors we met recommended IVF. It might interest you to know that we have tried IVF two times and both were unsuccessful. We all know how expensive IVF is yet we tried twice. I am not blaming my wife for anything because clearly, she is okay according to the hospital. She is a good woman and I will never verbally or psychologically abuse her because of our childlessness. It is our cross to carry and that is why I have waited for all these years while being a very caring and understanding husband. She has also tried and I won’t forget that.
However, time has come when I need to make extra move. I am the first son of my family. I have only one brother who is currently married with two children. I can no longer continue to wait because I don’t know how long I have to wait before my wife can conceive. This is why I decided to take a second wife. I haven’t told my wife about this. I know she will be very angry but there is no time anymore. I am currently 42 yet no child. If I continue to wait, I don’t know how hold I will be before I finally give birth. Age is no longer on my side which is why I am doing this. Is this a good decision or I am being too fast?
1 Comment
Good decision, the earlier , the better.