A man identified as Hakeem Rahman has been accused of incessant domestic ab#se on his wife, Zahidat.
It was gathered that the latest incident happened few days ago at their residence in Ajigbotinu Street, Agege, Lagos. A video which has gone viral shows Hakeem trying to brush the victim’s teeth while h#tting and c#rsing her.
A source familiar with the incident said, “They’ve been married for eight years and have three kids together. He’s always a$saulting her and we’ve tried to wade in all to no avail.
Few days ago, we caught him at the backyard forcing his wife to brush her teeth and h#tting her while at it. This woman is drained m£nt@lly, physically, and emotionally. She can’t talk any longer only God knows if this man has c#t her tongue. This is just w#ckedness. Her husband needs to be put in his place; she really needs help urgently.”