Frank Jerome was a priest in charge of Saint Thomas Parish. He tried his best to lead his flock and ensure everything was done the right way, but then things began to go wrong. The church’s offerings suddenly started going missing, prompting him to investigate and find the culprit. What he would discover would shock everyone.

Frank Jerome was no one’s favorite priest. Ever since his transfer to Saint Thomas Parish, he could count on one hand how many times he had been invited to visit a parishioner. He was not the kind of priest people loved to flock around or the kind children ran to for a blessing.
Everyone treated him with the respect deserving of a priest, but they kept their distance and never got too familiar. The reason was not far-fetched: Frank Jerome was not a people person.
It wasn’t that he chased people away or did things to keep them at bay; there was just something about his aura that made people uncomfortable. Despite this, Frank Jerome managed to run the parish properly. He was frugal with church expenses and ensured everything was in top shape. His Masses were never too long, which was something the……Read Full Story Here……………….