An elderly veteran boards a plane and settles in for the long flight. Next, an obnoxious man appears beside her and demands she vacate the seat. He’s not only a bully, he’s a racist too. But then the unbelievable happens, something that sets the world right again.

The airplane was packed. Passengers settled in their seats and adjusted their seat belts. The hum of conversations filled the air. In the middle of the aisle, a tall man with a scowl on his face towered over an elderly black woman. She sat quietly, her hands folded on her lap.
“You need to move,” the man barked. His voice cut through the cabin noise and drew the attention of those nearby. “I don’t care if you’re old, that seat’s mine.”
The woman looked up, her eyes calm but firm. The tension in the plane thickened as her brows furrowed. The elderly black woman’s name was Margaret Johnson. She was a retired army nurse who had served in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Her silver hair was neatly pinned back, and her frail frame was…..Read Full Story Here………………