Author: town gist

Ben and Martha Gibson lost their son, Michael, in a hit-and-run accident a couple of years ago. Since then, Ben’s furniture shop lost a lot of business, and they could barely pay their bills until envelopes of money started appearing on their doorstep. Eventually, Ben caught the person sending them and couldn’t believe who he was.“We’re going to have to sell the store, honey. It’s not working out,” Martha said with a long sigh while looking at the finances of their furniture store located in Reno, Nevada. She and her husband, Ben, had built the shop from the ground up,…

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A woman finds an abandoned baby in a forest cottage and decides to hand her over to the cops. 23 years later, their paths cross again when a homeless woman claiming to be the baby’s mother shows up on her doorstep.”Are you Darby Jones, the photographer who clicked this picture?” Elora asked in a trembling voice as she handed a baby’s picture to Darby.”Yes, that’s me. But where did you find this picture? I took it 23 years ago!” Darby responded, startled by the sight of a poor woman dressed in rags on her doorstep. Her face was riddled with…

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After selling his grandmother’s house, Alex decided to send her to a nursing home despite his earlier promises. When she died of old age, he only received an envelope with a few dollar bills and a short message that would haunt him forever.Amber closed the book she was reading, sighing and taking her reading glasses off. Her favorite nurse, Anna, announced that her grandson had come to visit, and she knew why he was there: money. That’s all Alex ever cared about, and believe it or not, his wife, Katherine, was even worse. She made the worst mistake of her…

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An old woman secretly started pilfering leftover food from the high-end restaurant she started working in to make ends meet; she was eventually caught by the owner who followed her one day to find out why. “We’ll be back by evening.” That was the last thing Rosa heard from her daughter-in-law’s lips on the day she lost her and her son, Ron Walter. The couple had brought their daughter Ellie to stay with her while they took some time for themselves. They had been having fights because their careers seemed to be the priority for them both, meaning neither of…

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One night, Douglas heard cries coming from the woods near his ranch. Thinking it could be a bear, he took his dog and discovered a boy shivering in the cold. The following morning, the boy told Douglas where he lived, but the roads were covered in snow, so Douglas had a choice to make and it shocked the boy’s parents.“There, there, boy. Good boy, Hank. Let’s keep going,” Douglas encouraged his dog as they trekked through the woods behind his ranch, deep in the more secluded parts of Root River Valley. He loved this area all his life and purchased…

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A heartless man refused to pay his stepson’s ransom when he was kidnapped, but would he change his mind if the little boy’s life was threatened by a disease? Lucy Durrel’s life hadn’t been easy. She married young but her young husband, John, had quickly fallen under the spell of drugs and alcohol, and even the birth of their son Charley didn’t make a difference to him.When Charley was three years old, John’s wealthy family put him in a rehab program. But Lucy had finally had enough. She divorced her drug-addicted husband, moved to Denver, and started a new life.…

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When Mrs. Blair died, no one noticed for a while because they all feared her. Her neighbor, Taylor, was the only one who went into her house and found her body. After seeing her home, he realized several things about her, but it wasn’t until he discovered her diary that her shocking life became clear. “Mrs. Blair hasn’t been seen in a while. Have you noticed anything from her house?” Taylor asked another neighbor, Mrs. Callaghan, who lived right in front of his house.Mrs. Blair lived right next door to Taylor, and he always tried to be nice to her,…

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A young single mother grows suspicious when everyone comments on how different from her and her ex her little son was, so she has a DNA test and learns a terrible secret.The happiest day of Gina Barrino’s life was the day her son Brandon was born. She woke groggy from the anesthetic they had administered for the emergency Cesarean and the nurse placed her baby in her arms.It was love at first sight. The moment Gina looked into her baby’s blue eyes, she was head over heels. She kissed his tiny head and inhaled his delicious baby scent. Being a…

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My Mum told me to leave Deeper Life so I can get a Husband, Now am 48 and still Single – Lady SharesA Nigerian Lady has shared how her mum told her to leave Deeper Life Bible Church if she wants to see a husband to marry and now she is 48 yet no husband. See her story:I grew up in deeper life bible church and was a dedicated member in the church but when I was about 25 my mum who is also a member of the church advised me to leave the church if I want to marry…

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Jacob cut ties with his parents after they fought over his future. Years later, he heard they died in a car accident. When he went to visit their abandoned home, he noticed it was suspiciously clean, and there were recently washed dishes in the sink, so he stayed back to catch whoever was sneaking into the house. As Jacob stood outside his childhood home, he couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of regret. Maybe his relationship with his parents could’ve been fixed at some point. It was too late now, though.A month ago, one of his co-workers at the…

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