Author: town gist

A son discovers his mother’s will and what he reads in it makes him tell her to pack her bags immediately and get ready to leave his house.Gerald Nizbit stared at the text on his screen in astonishment, then he picked up the phone. “Helen,” he said crisply to his assistant. “Get me my lawyer on the phone, then Margaret Pratt, then my mother — in that order!”Helen had been Gerald’s personal assistant for ten years, and she knew he wasn’t a particularly patient man, so she immediately started calling his attorney. In his office, Gerald was staring at the…

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The city mayor was a millionaire and his stepdaughter, Karla, got into some trouble. She was taken by Officer Alana Denison to the station, where she told the officer something strange before they let her go quickly due to the mayor’s influence, and Alana couldn’t get those words out of her mind.”Why did you do that, sweetie? You can talk to me,” Officer Alana Denison told the teenage girl sitting in front of her at the station. After the neighbors reported her for throwing rocks at an apartment window in downtown New York, she had picked up the girl.”No reason,”…

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A married couple is split apart when one midnight they both hear a kid crying somewhere in their home — the man wanted to kick the child out, but the woman refused. Oliver Robinson had been a husband for ten years but had, for some reason, not been able to father a child with his wife, Mary. Anyone could have told them that it had to do with their stunted sex life and busy lives, but it was something they had to figure out from a doctor.”When last did you spend a full weekend at home Oliver?” Dr. Ben Ross…

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A grieving mother is frozen stiff in disbelief when she hears her son’s voice a few days after his death and decides to check his room.Amanda raised her son Eric alone after her husband died of cancer and left for his heavenly abode. Eric was merely four then, and raising a kid alone was nothing but challenging for Amanda.However, as time went on, she somehow reconciled with the situation and gave the best of everything she could to raise her boy. Problems arose only when Eric started growing up and became a teenager.The boy, like many other children his age,…

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A former bully accidentally meets the man he used to make fun of when he tries to do a good deed for a haggard-looking beggar. Did karma never get to him? Robert Dean was hurting as he paid for purchases in Mary’s Mart — the town’s largest supermarket. As the clerk finished with him, rather than leave the premises, he stood near the exit, lost in thought. “Why did I buy so many groceries?” he wondered, staring down at his full hands. Robert was a one-year-old divorcée who still hadn’t gotten used to living independently, which is why he sometimes…

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A young boy got lost at the airport and started to cry after realizing his mistake on the plane, but nobody paid him any attention until a woman took action. Lucas Adam was a kid of eight years when he was told by his mother Evelyn that they would be joining the external family for a day out at a resort. It was a great opportunity for Lucas, who had only rarely seen other family members. The call to attend the outing was sent out by Lucas’ mother, Evelyn. Several siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins, and grandparents were invited, and nobody…

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Mixed reactions is trailing a young lady’s love story of how she ended up in a relationship with a homeless man she took off the streets. The gorgeous lady, identifed with the Twitter handle @Isawooo shared a video capturing all the moments she has had with the homeless man who has now become an expectant father. Noting that their relationship started when she offered him food, @Isawooo narrated how happy the man was afterwards.She added that after several days, she decided to offer him a bed to sleep, thus she took him home. Watch Video below:

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A young man identified as Elvin Taylor Jr., has gifted a brand new car to his mum to appreciate her for all the sacrifices.He bought a 2022 BMW and took her to the dealership showroom where the whip was waiting for her. Elvin, in a post on LinkedIn recalled how his mum had admired BMW cars and prayed for God to empower her financial to get one herself. The young man said that she would no longer have to bother about that dream. He noted that the plan was to buy it for her on her 60th birthday which is…

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A homeless woman’s life takes an unexpected turn when an old man asks her hand in marriage, and she nods a yes – but the woman has no idea how wealthy her future husband is.Jacob Conner was 76, insanely rich, but single. No, Jacob had not been a single man his entire life; it was just that fate had not been kind to the man in terms of his love life.When Jacob was 34, his beloved wife Linda had passed away in a car accident. They were returning from a family event when the accident occurred. Jacob was lucky and…

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Glenda Reilley met her best friend who had betrayed her forty years before and realized that she couldn’t blame her, only thank her.Glenda Reilley and Dina Muscovich were best friends from grade one and all through middle school and high school. They shared everything, except Hank — he was Glenda’s boyfriend from the time they were 13.The idea that Glenda and Dina would ever be anything but best friends was unthinkable until they went to college, different colleges, and a man came between them. Glenda never imagined that a trip back home would bring her face to face with her…

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